Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday - The Passion

I just finished watching The Passion of The Christ for the first time. I wasn't sure whether I could get through it but I was fairly prepared for what I was going to see. I can't really say that I enjoyed it. Who could possibly enjoy a graphically visual re-enactment of Our Lord's tortuous last hours on earth. It's hard to explain but I just felt like I was watching a miracle. As horrible as it was, it all happened for me, for all of us.

It's funny how God works and gives us just what we need, when we need it. I had not been to confession at all this Lent, missing all of the extra services and regular scheduled Reconciliation opportunities. To be honest I procrastinated because I really don't like to go. So I prayed about it and promised myself I would go on Divine Mercy Sunday next week. I wasn't aware that there would be any more opportunities at my Parish this week. It was not advertised. So much to my surprise, Father announced at the conclusion of the Passion service this afternoon that there would be opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I immediately went over and was second in line thanking God for giving me this wonderful gift even if I didn't think I wanted it. I believe perhaps the Holy Spirit was still with me while I was watching the Passion movie helping me to appreciate all that our Lord endured for our salvation. Grace is an amazing thing.

Something interesting from the movie caught my attention. They filmed the crucifixion on a bright sunny day. How could something so tragic have happened on a day such as that? Ironically, today was one of those kind of days here in Southern Indiana. The sun shone brightly all day. It was a very warm Spring day and I spent most of it running errands. I was very aware all day of what a solemn day this is for Christians and yet I also noticed every flowering tree and shrub, lawns getting greener every day and all the early Spring flowers in full bloom. I saw gorgeous flowers of white, pink, purple, and yellow. All the colors you think of in Spring. And among all that beauty there are still brown lawns and bare trees, not quite ready, not quite woken up from their winter sleep.

I told my girls on the way home from picking them up from school all that I had noticed today. I told them that Good Friday can be a sad day but we know the rest of the story. Just like the the beauty of Spring appearing all around us, there is hope just around the corner on Easter Sunday. Jesus will rise again. The trees will sprout leaves, the lawns will grow faster than we want them to and many more brighter days are ahead. Today is a day to remember and know that there is always hope.


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