Thursday, March 29, 2018

He is gone

Being a military wife I got pretty good at goodbyes and long deployments. One thing that stands out from all that is how it felt when my husband was gone. No matter if it was a weekend drill, a two week annual training or an 8-month deployment, I remember that it just felt weird in my house. Nothing was the same until he returned. It was as if we were always waiting. And we were! We went about our normal family routines but something was always missing. 

We have just begun the Easter Triduum in the Catholic Church. Our 40-day Lenten Season is over and now we wait. He is gone. The tabernacle is empty, the church is bare and it feels weird in God's house. Nothing will be the same until our Lord's triumphant return. We must wait. 

There were some scary and uncertain times when my husband was overseas. Especially right after 9/11. What was happening? Why did he have to go? When will he come home? What if he doesn't? 

On Holy Thursday Jesus' apostles were devastated. Their Lord, their teacher, their comfort, was gone. Why did he have to go? On Good Friday they watched him die. How could this be happening? And on Holy Saturday they remained in hiding. We can only imagine their despair and hopelessness. 

We know now what the apostles didn't know during those three heartbreaking days. We know the rest of the story. The Easter Triduum is a celebration. Jesus rose to new life. We must never give up hope. No matter how bad things seem we must leave it all at the foot of the cross. Jesus did not leave us orphans. He is with us to the end of days. 


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